Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Craziness... 2 posts in 10 minutes... For those people who I have known over the years who one day were as bored as I sometimes get and found themselves hitting the "next blog" button on the upper right corner of the screen until you say, "Hey, I know him!"...and for those people who check this blog periodically who I will probably never meet here we go.
If you read the last post there were those words "my girlfriend". Yes... God is kind to me. Her name is Jolene and no she does not have red hair like the one in the Dolly Parton song. She has been a gift of God to my life for the last.... wow... almost 4 months... so I haven't bloged in a while! She is a continual encouragement to me as someone who really loves Jesus and lives a daily life with Him. Tonight I am sitting in Nashville researching my thesis before returning home to Fort Worth (never did I think I would call Texas home). Everyone, don't worry I will put a picture up soon so you can see her eyes...wow.
Been a while hasn't it? Recently I have learned that I am a Kinetic learner (not sure of that spelling so don't shoot me psychology majors) which has become my newest excuse for everything. For instance this week while driving from Texas to Tennessee and all over the planet around Nashville, my excuse to my girlfriend who gives me directions while I am focused on something say... Driving...I do not pay attention to the details. Yes, sometimes the details are turn here or there but still... my wonderful excuse has become "Hey, I'm a Kinetic learner."
First, over 95% of you are wondering "What is a Kinetic learner?" The other 5 % of you either know or don't care. For 100% of you I will explain. Basically people learn 3 different ways. Either people are visual learners, auditory learner or kinetic learners (I am totally gonna spell check this post!!). I know this is crazy but visual learners learn by sight (didn't see that one coming, huh?) and auditory learners learn by... yes sight as well. If you are not sure how auditory learners receive information I have a friend with a tack hammer who can smack you. A kinetic learner would probably have to be hit by the tack hammer to learn. (Are we getting the picture here?) Kinetic learners learn by doing something or in my case doing the wrong thing several times before figuring out that I should have paid more visual attention or listened better in the first case. If you never knew this then consider yourself enlightened. If you didn't care... you still now know.